How to open a man sexually: a simple guide to deepening connection

Healing and understanding his sexuality is a partnership, and you play a key role.


Ever wondered about the hidden depths of a man's sexuality? It's more than just getting ready for action – it's a journey waiting to be explored. Let's explore the secrets of male desire, healing, and spirituality in the bedroom.

First things first, honoring and respecting your man when he's in the mood is crucial. Forget the stereotypes; there's much more to it than meets the eye. Healing and understanding his sexuality is a partnership, and you play a key role.

Start by honoring his “lingam” (Sanskrit for penis). Yes, just holding it with love and reverence works wonders. Forget what you've seen in movies; this is about real connection, not fantasy.

As his lingam gets the attention it deserves, energy starts flowing. Your role? Guide this energy down to his legs and up to the solar plexus – that emotional powerhouse that men often keep locked up. Massage the solar plexus deeply. Now, he's not just aroused, he's in touch with his emotions.

Connect his sexuality to his emotions, and you'll witness a man in his vulnerable, authentic self. It's not always easy – anger or tears might surface. Your support is the key to unlocking these hidden layers.

When he's reached a melting point, spread the energy higher – from the solar plexus to his throat. A gentle neck massage works wonders. He might make sounds or even experience a “throat orgasm”– it's a journey into uncharted territory.

The magic happens when you're there, offering love and presence. You'll witness a side of him that's never seen the light. Imagine the connection you'll share.

Ready to explore his depths?

The Ocean